For those who aren’t ready to hand over the design work to an external designer, I’ve put together a resources page that will hopefully help you out. For the software that I use, if you can’t or don’t want to commit to purchasing monthly, I’ve listed others that offer a one-off purchase or even free.
There are also links to stock images sites (mostly free) and places to finds icons & fonts, and even sites that will match font’s together. They can also give you colour patterns to use or even to identify that font used on the website. You have no idea what it is.
If I find a site I think is helpful, I will try and remember to update the list, so it’s worthwhile simply bookmarking and coming back to it. If you come across a good site that isn’t on the list, please let me know and include it for others.
If you have any questions on the links below, I’m more than happy to have a chat. Even if it’s things like the difference between vector and a raster program!
why designing your logo in canva might not be the best idea for your business. Once you've started that business the next logical step is creating the logo is one of the first steps towards creating your visual identity. You are probably used to using canva with...